Oct 8, 2023    Dr. Ronald J. Morrison

We have so many reasons to celebrate God’s faithfulness towards us over these past 28 years. Anniversaries are always a time for reflection, and we also look forward with excitement about what the Lord may do next as we continue to serve Him. From our vantage point, we always look at this beautiful church from a leadership perspective, and today we want to share life lessons we learned from two great leaders, Moses and Paul.

DEUTERONOMY 9:1-29, ACTS 20:17-32

1.Fear the Lord. 

2.Obey everything he tells you to do.

3.Love him with every fiber of your being. 

4.Circumcise your heart. God wants tender hearted people and too people are hard hearted. (Deuteronomy 10:12-16) (Jeremiah 4:4)

5.Practice justice. Treat others like you want to be treated and how God wants them to be treated.

6.Praise him for who he is and all he has done!

Dr. Ronald J. Morrison

October 8, 2023